Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Letter # 17 from Cosenza, Italy

Dear Family,
I hope this email finds you all well. This week I have have learned a lot from my Heavenly Father. I love how God teaches us. He chastises, He reminds, and then He builds you up. I have been reminded that this is God's work and that I do not do anything at all. But when you are working hard, God gives you little carrots :) And all of the sudden a miracle comes out of the blue!

This week we have received so many referrals from members. One of our ex-investigators just came to sacrament meeting, and one of the menoattivi that we have been trying to see for weeks we were able to see yesterday. We have been working with our members a lot these past weeks and last Sunday they just started telling us about their friends. Calling us! And offering to come to lessons. IT IS AMAZING :) I AM SO HAPPY

This sunday, one of our ex-investigators came to church with her 7 year-old daughter!! Afterwards, I asked if we could see her this week and she said yes!! We saw her Monday morning. During these months she has not been reading the Book of Mormon. But when we met with her she seemed different. She was listening more. She told us that she knows she needs to read the Book of Mormon and she made a goal to read a page every day. She also had not prayed to Heavenly Father to know if the Book of Mormon is true. However, during our lesson, the Spirit opened her heart. She promised to pray about the Book of Mormon that night. We asked her again about baptism. She does not feel ready. But she does want to pick a date. She promised to talk with her husband about it.

We called her the next morning. She had prayed!! She said that she felt good. In her own words, "I can't really describe it, but it was good." I am so excited for her. I know that she will be baptized. Our goal for her is to help her get a baptismal date and help her come to all 3 hours of Church - not just Sacrament meeting.

We also received a referral from the ward mission leader. A Colombian family with 3 children!! They are so wonderful. We have only met with them once, but the Spirit was so strong there with them. I know that they will be open to our message. We explained, briefly, the story of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. There are a few communication problems, but I know that when they have a Book of Mormon in Spanish it will go very smoothly! They were listening so intently to Sorella Worsham recount the First Vision and I could see the Spirit touching their hearts. It was amazing! Right after I explained how Joseph Smith had been searching for the truth and then a wonderful event happened. The mother just leaned in and asked "WHAT!? What happened?" It was so cool.
The work of a missionary is actually really easy. You just have to keep all of God's commandments, listen to what the Spirit tells you to do and then do it. The Spirit will tell you where to go, what to say, who to talk with, when you need to call them, etc!!

A few days ago I was looking in the topical guide for a specific verse and it led me to a story in Numbers in the Old Testament that I had forgotten about. The story of Baalam (I know Dad knows this one). You know - he was riding his donkey and a destroying angel appears. The donkey sees the angel and avoids it. Baalam doesn't see the angel so he hits the donkey, and so on. Well the topical guide took me to the chapter afterwards, I went back 1 chapter before and I read the whole story of Baalam!! (numbers 22-23). You should all read it. I just want to share the part that stood out to me. Baalam was commanded to say something to King Balak and he didn't know what it was. So he went and spoke the words the Lord had given him. Instead of cursing Israel, he blessed Israel. When King Balak was angry with him, his reply was this
12 And he answered and said, Must I not take heed to speak that which the Lord hath put in my mouth? (numbers 23:12)
I know that, as Baalam, I must speak that with the Lord puts in my mouth. I pray everyday for the courage to do this and to be an instrument in God's hands.

I love you all and I will write you next week,
Sorella Rose Preston

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