Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Letter #6 from Cosenza, Italy

The Kelly's Last Zone Conference and Sorella Worsham's First


Just kidding , I am still here in Cosenza with Sorella Worsham :) HEE HEE

I hope everyone is doing great. I loved seeing all the fotos from the Preston Family Reunion :) James and Letty you are sooo tan, I want those genes. I am hoping here in the Italy summer but we will see.

I hope everyone is working on their conversion stories, Just a nice reminder. You still have almost a month but MI RACCOMANDO!

This week has been wonderful, a great spiritual high and I learned a ton. We had Zone Conference on Thursday. It was President and Sorella Kelly's last zone conference because they will be leaving in 2-3 weeks (I don't actually know when they are actually leaving but soon the Waddoups will be here.)

Sorella Kelly spoke of all the things she has learned from her mission and I was crying the whole time. As my family you will know that I tend to weep and it was just buckets the whole day. These are just a few of the things she said:
  1. Your mission [and your whole life] is about relationships. During your mission [life] God is getting to know you and you are getting to know Him.
  2. Charity always wins
  3. Don't hold back kind words
  4. "Enjoy every part of your mission [life] even the rejection"
I think this third (fourth?) point applies to all points in our life. We must learn to enjoy whatever comes at us. In life we receive a lot of rejection - dating, applying for jobs, applying for schools, rejection or judgement by others including in our family relationships. I think that one of the keys to happiness in this life is to learn and grow from every experience.
  1. Expect Miracles
We must learn to expect that around every corner there is a miracle. and we must be ready to see that miracle and acknowledge God's glory. In District meeting this monday we were talking about miracles and one of the Anziani said something that really hit me. To summarize.  Two people may see the same event. One will see it as a coincidence, luck, or ordinary. The other will see it as a miracle. The only difference is that one has the FAITH and HUMILITY to RECOGNIZE God's Hand.
  1. On our mission [life] we are surrounded by angels.
  2. Write things down!!!
When we get old who knows what we will remember. I stink at this but I really want to get better. So that I can remember.
  1. Make the days Count. Dont count the days.
We see how this applies to missionary work but it applies to college and most importantly family life. I really want to thank you Mom and Dad for making the days count. You were never too busy to spend time with us and make a memory.
  1. "I can't believe the Lord let me do this"
Along with Sorella Kelly I echo this phrase. I can't believe the Lord let me do this. He is letting me bear His name!! He is using me with all of my weaknesses. He is letting me learn and grow and love the people of Italy. He is letting me come to know Him in a very personal way. He is letting me learn His Gospel and then teach it to others. This is probably the most meaningful thing I will EVER do with my life.

I think more often than not. We see the experiences and life opportunities that others have and forget the ones that God is giving us. We forget what He is Letting us do. He is letting us live. He is letting us go to school. He is letting us raise His spirit Children. He is letting us suffer. He is letting us grow our faith through trials.
OH HOW MUCH GOD LOVES US!! President Kelly talked about Happiness and he said, "No one experiences more JOY than God!" He lets us taste His joy and happiness in this life. That is why we are here (2 Nefi 2:25).
Right after Zone conference this Weekend was District Conference in Calabria and we were able to say goodbye again to President and Sorella Kelly. They have really taught me a lot and I am excited to learn even more from the Waddoups.

I love you all so much and I feel blessed to have you as family.

Love you lots.
Sorella Preston

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