Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Letter #12 from Cosenza, Italy

Dear Family and friends,
I hope you are doing well and I hope that this email finds you blessed. We have had an amazing week this week. God has so shown us so many miracles. But first news: Sorella Worsham and I are staying in Cosenza!! For another transfer! I am so excited that we have this other 6 weeks to be with these wonderful people.
After Zone conference we have seen so many miracles. Thursday morning we called one of our investigators that we have not been able to see in weeks. And she said she could meet us that night. This was our 2nd appointment with her. She had read the introduction of the Book of Mormon and after the prayer she asked us, "I just want to know why there was need of this book." My jaw dropped! We had planned to talk about the Restoration and so we did the 1st lesson as planned. And she just drank it up. Afterwards she said, "Oh, now I know. Thank you for answering my question!" She accepted it. :)We went on to read something in the Book of Mormon but nothing was coming into my mind and then Slla Worsham said, let's read 2 Nephi 31. We read about baptism. And it was perfect! The spirit was there and we were able to talk about why Christ was baptized and why we need to baptized and then we asked her to be baptized. She was a little nervous and she asked if she could pray about it first. But she did not say no, she wants to think about it.

She is one of the biggest miracles I have seen on my mission. We found her doing casa-in-casa and we had been led. We felt we were supposed to be on that street, going that direction, and knock at that palazzo. Everytime we meet with her, I know that I am not doing anything. But it is the Spirit prompting me and giving me words. It is wonderful! Afterwards Sorella Worsham says the things she had liked that I said, and I cannot remember them! :) They slowly come back and I realize, "WOW, that is a good way to explain that principle!"

We saw her again last night at church. We did a little tour and she loved it, we showed the baptismal font and everything. We had Lina Favre at the lesson with us. She is a member and she is the same age as this investigator's daughter, 17. We had planned to talk about the Plan of Salvation but the spirit led us elsewhere. We talked about the Book of  Mormon and about what she had read. She was in 1 nefi 3.  As we talked, I saw how she was discovering that these things are true. She said that she loves to meet with us and feels happy when she does. So she has decided that it must be something Jesus wants. :) We were able to point at that that is the Holy Ghost letting her know this is a good thing. She also said that she feels deep peace as she reads the Book of Mormon, the same way she feels when she reads the Bible. As we talked, she realized that that is the Holy Ghost and how the Holy Ghost speaks to her. And how the Holy Ghost has talked to her in the past. She has a giant faith in Christ. And it amazes me. She also is very honest. If she does not understand something, she asks us what it means! Everything was inspired. Lina, we found out, goes to the SAME school as her daughter!!

The spirit was so strong during the whole lesson. Lina had to leave early to catch a bus but we kept talking. We asked if she had prayed about baptism and she said not yet.  She opened up about how she is afraid of water. We were able to explain how she will be baptized, what she will wear, what happens in the program, the symbolism, etc. We explained the gift of the Holy Ghost that she will receive afterwards, and so on. She just listened intently. Sorella Worsham and I were explaining and we exuded joy and it was then that she felt the excitement of baptism. We  used words like "When you are baptized" not "if" - there is no "if". We told her that this is why we are teaching you, and this is what we see in your future and this is how you will fill the void in your life. She was so excited. She did not want to pick a date because she wants to be spontaneous. We are meeting again on Saturday and we want to help her have a date.

She is leaving on vacation for all of August but she wants to talk with us on the phone. And she has promised to read the BoM while she is gone. We feel that September 21st is a good date. That gives her just enough time after she comes back from vacation to come to church 3 times and for us to finish the lessons.

When she said the closing prayer, she asked to know if this is the right road for her. she said that she feels that this is His answer to her many questions and prayers. I wanted to cry. She was so happy and so peaceful. She WILL be baptized. I may not still be here but she will be.

The miracles just continued this week. Another investigator passed by the church because it was open. We were just walking by so we could go in and teach him a lesson. He is a student from English Course. He is an atheist. But he wants to believe in God. He has a lot of questions but he listens and is very respectful! :)

On Friday, we were at the bus station looking at bus times and we saw an investigator we have not seen for a month because she lives too far away. It is not possible to reach her and return back to Cosenza in one day, unless we get a ride from a member. We were able to show her the church and have a little lesson.

Then Sunday, one of the part-member families that we have been working with invited us for lunch. The mom is a member of 2 years who is very strong and has gone to the temple already for her endowments. She was introduced to the church 10 years ago by her daughter, Cinzia, who is a member. Her other daughter and grandson both live with her but are not members. We had talked to her in church about starting to teach her grandson (he is 11). She said she would try to have us over to meet Simona, her daughter, and talk with her. We were so excited that Sunday was the day. We had no idea what to expect. The grandma, Sorella Filippelli, told us to expect a little cold welcome. We just asked her to keep praying like she has for the last 2 years. I was praying and asking God to help us know what to say and how to help Simona And how to help her trust us. We went with another member family, the Lopez's.

Then an amazing miracle happened. We got there, and there was no ice!! She gave us a bacio and said she would love our help with some English for her job. After lunch we went out with her on the porch and we talked about her life, her job, her dreams. It was beautiful!!! Eventually smoking came up. We asked if she has ever wanted to quit smoking. She said, yes! We were able to tell her about the program we have to help people quit smoking in 7 days. We asked if we could come and explain it to her and she said, yes!

Then we did our spiritual thought, Luigi, (the nipote) came as he always does. But Simona was on the phone. I looked at Slla Worsham and she whispered to me, "family proclamation." We had thought of doing that, but I was sad that Simona was not there. But I followed Sorella Worsham's lead. After we introduced it, Simona got off the phone and came to sit down!!! We talked about the family and its importance. We had Luigi read the 3rd paragraph. As he was reading, I was stressing out. I had no idea what to say or how to pull this message together. Then the thought came to me, "STOP and LISTEN" So I did and the lesson started to flow.

Fllo Lopez  bore a beautiful testimony. He was bold and the spirit poured into the room. He had planned a lot of the same message as their  home teacher. He praised the joy and sacrifice that they have done for their family and their roles and then he said "If it it does not continue forever that will be a waste." This let us come in and bear testimony that it can continue forever. And that is why we were there. That if they are willing to do what it takes they can be together forever.

I felt prompted to talk about David. I told them about how he has not been active in the church since I was 5. I bore testimony to them that I know that God knows him and that the covenants we have made in the temple are real. I know that as I am here, there are missionaries in Nebraska helping my brother.

David, I know that your heart is being softened. And that you are being blessed right now. God knows you!!  I told them that just right before I came you promised to read the Book of Mormon.

We then committed Simona and Luigi to do what David is doing "READ THE BOOK OF MORMON" - from the beginning. Simona had leaned forward and just been listening as I shared about my brother David. After this invite, she thought and she looked at the Book of Mormon in front of her. After a few seconds of silence she looked up and said that she had read little bits before but she will read from the beginning again!! We asked if she had a Book of Mormon. Her sister Cinzia had given her one with a dedica 10 years ago! It was amazing!! She and Luigi are investigators and we are going back this  Sunday with the smoking program. Cinzia and Sorella Filippelli have been praying for this miracle for a long time!

GOD is so GOOD! He has shown His hand. I know that He is the one who directs this work and that it is never something I do. It is the prayers of all of the people who came before me. I am very humbled and I hope to live worthy of these miracles I have seen.
I love you all so much!!! I am grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary. I was talking to Lina Favre at the Mostra and she said that now she is firmly decided to serve a mission. I started tearing up as I said, "The mission is the best thing you will ever do!!" I Have not even finished yet and I am emotional! :) I love you and I feel blessed that I get to be a missionary.
Sorella Preston

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