Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Letter #1 From Bari, Italy

Hello everyone, I still love Italy. I was talking with my companion and she pointed out how I have not really had a culture shock:) I think it is because I have heard mom and dada stories growing up and have studied the culture so I knew a little what to expect :)

This week has been nuts!!! We moved, ITALIAN STYLE!!. They told us the day before we were moving so we spent most of Thurday packing up everything. They said they would arrive Friday at 9:30am and Fratello Pastano arrived at about 10:30. I thought he would be this sweet little Italian man, INSTEAD he was about 35 with some huge rose colored sunglasses that he wore everywhere! HE was so funny. But he and Claudio (Member but dont know his last name) helped starting to move us. Claudio was amazing because he spoke a lot of English because he served his mission in Idaho, at least i appreciated it because I know none of the vocabulary used in moving. We got all our stuff into Claudio and Fllo Pastano minivan that looked a bit like a hurst and started making trips to the Anziani house in the Poggiofranco ward (A. Bradshaw and A. Zgjaini). They would be moving to a new apparment that none of us had seen. However at the same time it was capi conference (conference for all the zone leaders) and so A. Bradshaw was gone and his companion had an exchange. But they didnt tell A. bradshaw before he left that he would be moving to a new house. So He and A. Zgjiani were not packed at all!!! We got all of our stuff moved (The Anziani had taken it from the car and to the appt) and so we went to go see our apt for the first time. It was a bit smaller, the door didnt have a knob, and all of our stuff had been piled in one room since nothing else in the appt was packed up at all.
Fllo Pastano and Claudio disappeared with A. Larsen and we had no idea where they were. So we started making lunch, it was about 1 or 2 pm, and then they showed up just in time to have some. They had been moving furniture from our appt to the Anziani (We thought, we learned more later). S. Comollo and I had appt so we had to leave. 
When we came home that night, the house was still not packed up! A. Zgjiani would not pack up his stuff for some weird reason and he and A. hurlburt had talked while S. piccirillo and s. Wagoner packed up the ANZIANI KITCHEN STUFF! :)
Sat morning:
We woke up and started to pack up the anziani stuff without them so we could unpack ours. The anziani came at 11 instead of 9 when they said and A. bradshaw was back. they finished packing up their boxes and moved everything downstairs to the entryway of the appt building to wait for Pastano. After 1 hour or so we decided we needed to call and see where they were. Fllo pastano told us not to start moving them with our car because they were still doing other stuff (?) Then we found out that the Poggiofranco Anziani had a baptism that night and had to fill up the font, make programs, write talks, and change before 6:30, it was then 1pm. So we S. comollo and I took them to the church inour car while the other sisters waited with the stuff and met up with Fllo Pastano at our old apparment, where we learned from a. larsen where the confusion had come from. Fllo Pastano and Claudio had to move Ragazzi who were living in the ANziani apparment into our old one and the ragazzi had not packed or anything. Fllo pastano had not asked for help so we could do missionary work. but we were still leaving out of boxes at the moment because of the clog up. SO we helped them move stuff up into our old appt and then went to make lunch. After lunch we took the Poggiofranco Anziani stuff to their new appartment and helped load it all in before we ran to more appointments.
We made it just in time to Nicholas baptism. It was so wonderful! He is african so he speaks a little bit of english and that was where I met Rosa Magno. I loved talking with her and I am going to try to attach some photos we took. they asked me a few hours before to play the piano! NOT good... I have never played where people tried to sing a long. I found out the songs right when I got there but i just played right hand and muddled my way through. 
Also on Sunday they expected me to play the piano. No one here plays piano because their houses our so small they usually dont keep instruments like a piano around. I was terrified as i tried to sight read these hymns. Itwas uncomfortable but next sunday I know what to expect and I what the numbers our so I can practice :) I love to play the piano but i felt like an imposter saying I knew how to play. But after this mission I am sure I will be great at playing hymns :)
This Sunday was fast and testimony meeting, It was so wonderful. When all the members found out who my parents were they freaked out!:) But Mom and Dad they all say hi and they are all very excited to see pictures of you. Sorella Bellomo and Fllo Petroni remembered you as well as some others :) Also so many of their children are strong in the church it is wonderful :)
I think my favorite meeting in church is Relief Society. In my past wards people would sometimes comment and often it would be the same people a lot. But overall it was a feeling of calmness and pensive thinking, or people falling asleep. In Italy... It is INSANE :) ALL the sisters want to read and comment. As soon as one starts to comment, another will interrupt, and then 3 more will start a sub conversation, until eventually all the 15 sisters are screaming and interrupting and commenting, and you are just trying to follow the thought process. I loved it!! It was so crazy and just sat int the back trying not to laugh.
The moving ending perfectly fine, last night the Anziani got into their appartment, we got a door knob,and we dropped off the last of their stuff this morning. I shared the moving experiences because the whole process was so italian. They all took their sweet time, they didnt ask for help, and it was just in general confusing :) But I loved the experience it was so much fun.
Spiritual note this week i have seen so many miracles I cannot count. I shared finding the BOM for mike in twi but we saw him again on Sunday and he was already in Jacob. He just sat there in his broken english saying, "it is true, I know, I know"
Last programming, Sorella Comollo shared her dream of reaching 21 lessons in a week. It has only been achieved once in the mission and it is our standard of excellence. I thought that was such a nice thing to try to once have 21 lessons. Then she stated, "okay let do it this week!" I was shocked but we still tried. By wednesday we only had 6 lessons, and many of our progressing investigators were dropping us or couldnt meet with us all week. But we didnt give up. We tried to give lesssons as we did strada or on the autobus. We would ask people after we talked with them for a bit if we could pray with them and then we would leave an impegno (committment). Then we had moving which took up so much time. But we started meeting so many amazing people and we would have in the last 3 hours of the day 5 lessons on friday. If someone didnt show up we would happen to be by a less actives house and we would stop by. Old investigators called us and asked to meet with us! On Sunday we realized we only needed 4 more lessons to reach 21!! 
We gave our last one and it was 8 pm. We were right by the hospital so we ran inside and shared a message with a family waiting in the waiting area. The spirit was so strong even during that lesson and we drove home reaching 21 lessons. In fact realized during planning that night we had reached 22!!! It was so amzing. I cant believe how much I saw the the Lords hand this week. As we were doing strada, sorella comollo saw this woman walking toward us and she just said, "We need to talk with her". As we stopped her, she shared with us how she has been searching and trying different religions and that she has been praying to know if Jesus is real and which church she should go to! Her name was emilia, she said she would try to come to church this sunday. As we walked away, sorella comollo shared with me that for the first time on her mission she had felt very strongly the spirit prompt her to talk with someone. she knew we had to talk to that specific woman. 
Also on Friday we were talking with people on the l'autobus. I met Patrizia who was so interested in our message and as she left she kissed her pass along card. And S. Comollo met one of our miracles. She sat next to a young chinese man named Guangxing. He only speaks Mandarin and a little Italian. As she talked with him, he saw her pamphlet with a picture of Jesus Christ on it. He pointed to the picture and in Italian he said, "Gesù, I want to know about Gesù". We met with him Sunday and taught him a little about Jesus and how to pray. And then we met him yesterday and gave him a BOM in chinese. He was so excited and he wanted one in italian too. We would just have him read it in chinese and then ask him to explain or what he learned from what he read. He told us the BOM told him he must believe it. 
He lives in the other wards boundaries so he will be meeting with A. Bradshaw and A. Zgjiani. We told him about them and he was excited. A. Bradshaw and A. ZGjiani are teaching another girl from Beijing, YIshing, but she is leaving in 2 weeks. We asked Guangxing if he knew and he did!! WE called the anziani to give them his number and A. Bradshaw said, " Wait does this guy sing and is he studying opera" I said yes and A bradshaw explained that Guangxing and Yishing are best friends and that they have already met Guangxing and gone a little walk with him!! I was so surprised and just awed at the power of God. He was not some random guy we met on a bus, we were supposed to meet him, Sorella Comollo was supposed to talk with him specifically!! It was so amazing! :) I am starting to see more and more how much God loves His children and how no one we talk to is random but special and being prepared by God to hear His word.
Another exciting new, Giovanni who came to conference met with us on Sunday and we asked him if he had prayed about a baptismal date and to my surprise he said yes!! and he wants to be baptized 28 di Ottobre. Sooo cool!! He has had 3 prior baptismal dates so Sorella Comollo looked him in the eye and asked him it this date real and does he take it seriously, he said he did. We taught him about fasting that night and went through the baptismal interview questions with him. He needed to learn about the law of chastity and decima (tithing). We met him monday and talked about the Law of Chastity using FOr the Strength of Youth pamphlet. After we taught him that he wanted to know about tithing too.... so we told him. He agreed to live both!! He is smiling now and I can see how happy and excited he is! Keep him in your prayers that he will stay strong and that he will keep this baptismal date. He is homeless at the moment so we have to talk with the bishop and the ward to see if he can still be baptized. The only problem is if they are homeless and dont have an address it is easier for them to become inactive. Our mission president, when we called him told us it is up to the bishop and we just need to work closely with him.
Last thing, I lost my retainers!! :) I left them at the mission home and I realized when I got here to Bari. I called Sorella Kelly and she said she would bring them down for zone conference on the 23rd. So I didnt tell you because I would get them in 3 weeks. They were in the same bag as my sample shampoos and toothbrush travel case. She called me Monday and said that the bag had been thrown away. She had not heard about my retainers and when she realized my retainers were in there she became sooo distraught. She was trying to brainstorm and apologizing. The cleaning lady had thought the bag was junk left by departing missionaries and had tossed it!:)
Also I get to sing at zone conference! Anziano Bradshaw asked me today! Yay, I am so excited :)
Bari is so beautiful and Focaccia just so you know is the best food ever made. It is more like our pizza in america but AMAZING!!
Love you all, sorry if this email is crazy.
Sorella Preston

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