Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Letter #8 from Bari, Italy

Hello all!! I am so glad that the package arrived :) and right on time :) Also could you keep the gifts for Algot, Alisha, and Avery for Christmas. They are their Christmas presents and Algot's birthday present. If they are not coming up for christmas, could you send them their gifts ? It would help me a lot. Today or tomorrow, I am sending all the rest of your christmas presents!! Yay so expect that in 3 weeks. You cannot open them till christmas so leave the boxes shut!!! I am not going to individually wrap each one. Mailing is actually extremely cheap from Italy.  Just three 60cent stamps and then stuff it in the red box :)

Mom thank you for telling me your address. Also thank you and dad for being such great missionaries still. I knew you were good before my mission now I understand how rare it is to find members like you. You found investigators for the missionaries, you give them referrals, you give away books of Mormon. It is amazing!! We have some families like that here in Bari. Fratello Antonio Petroni sends his wishes along with Maddalena Modugno (They are married). He is a great member missionary. He just asked for 3 BOMs to give to his friends and a few copies of "Proclamation to the Family". We happily supplied him with what he asked :)
Dad thank you for your very tender note, I almost started crying in the internet point .) That talk from Anziano Holland is amazing!! I have read it 3 times now and we have shared it in at least 3 lessons and also at English Course. We shared with Sorella Armenise and Sorella Gallone both 'meno attive' in our ward. They need the call to come back, to not go back to fishing and what you used to be. We always read the especially powerful parts such as ( I paraphrase) "If you love him you will remember that the crowning characteristic of Love is LOYALTY" or "After an encounter with the living Son of the living God you are never supposed to be the same" I like being bold with the less-actives in the ward. My gauge is if I think it is rude or too bold it usually doesn't even bother them. Italians are very loud and rude and bold so if you are not they DON'T  LISTEN. I think I am being mean or harsh, and they don't see it as harsh at all.:)
It is funny how much people yell here. Grazia Bellomo invited us over to lunch again :) She and her husband, Raffaele, would yell or roll their eyes, or he would yell as to why she is taking so long to bring him food. They yell so loud it almost seems that they hate each other. Then after dinner and more yelling he stands beside her and they share how much they LOVE each other. They have been married 70 years. He talks about how he loves that his wife is feisty and yells! It is hilarious!! and a big culture difference. Most couples are like that here. They don't even think they are yelling :) Our relief Society counselor will stand up there and tell Sorella Calabrese ( The crazy old lady in our RS) to shut up and no one wants to hear about what she has to say. I sit there shocked at how mean that is to say to an elderly woman, and everyone else laughs and chimes in :) Italian culture is strange! BUT I lOVE IT :)
Do you remember that young man from China that sorella Comollo met on the bus? She gave him a pass along card, and in broken Italian he said, " Jesus , I want to learn about Jesus". He is here studying music. He is an opera singer. His name is Guanxing Gao, but he goes by Gao because no one can pronounce his name. We met with him twice but then had to give him to the Poggiofranco missionaries because he lived in their zone. He is still progressing, AND he moved into our zone !!!!! He invited us over to lunch this past saturday, us and the PF sorelle, and he cooked chinese food for us!! :) We met his friend Yao Ming. She is soo nice and she goes to his same conservatory but she studies piano. We were talking about food and the fact came up that we don't drink coffee. Gao asked why and we 4 Sorelle explained. Gao just said in Italian ( we communicate in Italian because he does not feel comfortable speaking english), "Okay, that is no problem, I dont drink coffee anyway". Then he asked us what are some of God's other commandments. We told him about the rest of the Word of Wisdom and he already keeps it!!! He does not smoke because he knows it is unhealthy. He does not drink alcohol because it is bad for your throat and he is a singer. I was so excited!!! Someone with no word of wisdom problems. Yao heard all this and she just volunteered and said I am going to stop drinking coffee! she is not even an investigator but it sounded good to her. She is going to go from 2 cups a day to 1 cup and continue to taper off. I was astounded by their faith. When we told our other investigators, they fought about it, they wanted to know why coffee. Yao and Gao just said yes and asked what are some of God's other commandments! The other Sorelle then broke the news about switching teachers and Gao was okay. Gao said about Sorella Comollo and I, "If not for them, I would not know Jesus". We almost started crying right then and there. That is why I am here in Italy!! To bring people to Christ, to help them know their Savior better.
I have to run and catch a train back to Bari. We are in Lecce now. So I will try to send some more pictures at 4 pm. I also have pictures of my district. We got a new anziano with transfers so we took some fun pictures this last District meeting. Thank you all so much for your prayers and love. You all inspire and bless me. Thank you for your examples to me. I love it and I would not choose to be anywhere else.
Sorella Rose Preston

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