Serving An 18 Month LDS Mission

In the LDS church, when a girl turns 21 she has the opportunity to choose to serve an 18 month, self-funded mission. I have wanted to go on a mission since I was a little girl. My parents both served a mission in Rome in the 1970's. In 2001-2002, my sister Letty served as a missionary in Hong Kong and my brother Algot in the Philippines. As soon as I turned 21 I submitted my papers. The Prophet and 12 Apostles determine through inspiration which of the more than 300 missions worldwide each missionary will be assigned. I was overjoyed when I opened my mission call and discovered that I was called to Rome, Italy! I feel immensely blessed and I feel that God has been preparing me to serve the Italian people. Each week, while I am on my mission, I will send my sister Letty an email and pictures to post on the blog. I won't see this blog till I come home, so I will be unable to directly respond to your comments until then. However, the sidebar will always have a current street address for me, and I promise I will respond to your letters! If you would rather write via email, just email your letter to my sister and she will print it out and send it me with her weekly snail mail!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Letter #15 from Bari, Italy

Hello Everyone!!
This week has been the craziest week ever!! But also amazing! The mission is like a spiritual university you learn soooo much. Thank you for all the news. You are all in my prayers. First I want to thank you, I got all the packages and letters this week :) from the Mission home. It was wonderful :)
This week we have been working a lot with members. There is a cute older sister in our ward, a widow, and we stopped by to visit her a few weeks ago. She is very lonely and so we planned an activity. We came over and made cookies together and then took them to her friends who live close by. It was hard for her. She said, "We aren't in America! People will think I want something." But her daughter lives close by and we said, we can take to your daughter and grandchildren and another member of the church, Nino Bellome and family (not relatives of Grazia), who lives above her, and then you can think of one more friend. She agreed and was very excited.

We went over on Monday and made some apple turnover things. Then we took them to her next door neighbor. They have been friends for soooo long and only the 25 year old daughter was home. We talked with her about America and fun stuff and found out that she loves English so we invited her to English course. It was comfortable and fun. Afterwards Slla Sebastiani was so happy and surprised as to how well the conversation had gone. She said, "I had never thought to tell her English course. She will love it." I think she discovered that "missionary work" does not need to be shoving your religion at people.

The Bellomo family was not home so we went to go visit her daughter and grandsons. Her daughter's family have not been coming to church recently, so it was great to visit with them. They have 4 sons. The oldest Gianluca is 25, and he usually goes to the other ward, then there is Danillo and he is 20, Valerio is 17, and then they have another boy who is 4, Matteo :) Matteo and the Mother, Rossella, were sleeping so we talked to the 3 older sons. All three are great boys. Danillo is awesome. He went to seminary all 4 years. They all respect and love their grandma. When we got there, Danillo turned off his computer and stoodup and came over immediately to greet the sisters. He NEEDS to go on a mission. He could if he wanted to. So we are working on him! :) He was EXCITED for our spiritual thought and read willingly. He also promised to get himself and Valerio to church on sunday because he has a patent.

Valerio also is super nice, but shy. He is dating Simona Diciolla right now. We will see what happens :) Towards the end of the thought, the mom and baby woke up and came out. It was perfect to have them all there together. Matteo is ADORABLE. Valerio was picking on him, he would just hit Valerio and say, "Stai ferma!!" (It is still weird to hear little babies speak Italian). He has shoulder length hair just like mine. And he loves hair!! He came over and started touching Slla Fuller's hair saying "Lisci, lisci," meaning "smooth, smooth," and then he just gasped at my hair. He said that we have the same hair but mine is longer than his. He said "YOU HAVE THE HAIR OF 'BRAVE'," and then he would not stop touching my hair. Just saying how much he loved my hair over and over. During the entire prayer I just felt these little hands in my hair, giving me a scalp massage :) Pray for their family to find the inner strength to come to church !

I am very grateful for my Savior's love and for the gift of the Holy Ghost. Recently it has become clearer and clearer when I am feeling the Holy Ghost and how He speaks to me. Whenever I feel it during a lesson or during the day, I JOY. I joy in feeling his presence because I know that it means that my Heavenly Father is proud of me !!!! He has approved my actions and my words. He is Proud of what I am doing. It means that I have been forgiven for whatever I have done throughout the day. I have seen the LORD make things strong in my life. We are promised in Ether 12:27 if we go to the Lord He WILL make us strong. We can specifically pray to have Him change our desires, to help us feel specific Christlike attributes such as patience and love and humility. WHAT A GIFT!

This last zone conference we learned many things. The Mission President talked alot about discouragement and the changes in the mission. It is going to be crazy. We have right now 25 ish sisters. Only 5 will leave by May, but by May we will receive 23 new sisters!!! As of May there will 23 sisters who have been in the mission for 6 weeks or less, and only 20 who have been here for longer than 6 weeks!!! He promised me, I will train. All sisters here will have to train. And even then there will not be enough. So either sisters will train after being here for only 6 weeks, or a few will have to train to sisters at the same time, TWINS!!! My mind was blown!! But I know that all will be well and God will guide us and this work :) They will be putting sisters in areas where they have not been for years - specifically, Pescara, Terni, and Messina. And more unanounced locations! I AM SO EXCITED! I get to be here for the crazy boom that will not happen again for many many years :)
Today we are going to Albero Bello with an investigator of the PF sorelle, Daniele. It will be so much fun. I love you all and I will try to send pictures.

Love your daughter,
Sorella Preston

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